

Everything is run by parent volunteers. A scout troop is not a holiday care centre. It’s a vibrant community enabled by volunteers and only works if people volunteer.

Richard is our Group Leader; Richard and Jed lead the Scouts. A parent committee helps manage things like fund raising and maintenance.

Scouting provides a time-tested structure that helps bond parent/child development through group and individual activities, recognition and advancement. This could involve Dad, Mom, Grandparents, Uncles, and any other individual who is active in the child’s life. Your child needs your encouragement, guidance and participation along his or her Scouting path. Volunteering puts you front and centre in the fun.

In a typical year, we would expect you to contribute to the group on a number of occasions. Here are some ways Adult Helpers lend a helping hand :

  • Volunteering for duties such as Hall set up or clean up
  • Volunteering for a role on the Parent Committee
  • Completing DIY jobs or gardening at the Scout Hall
  • Supporting Group fundraising efforts
  • Crunching numbers after fundraising activities
  • Assisting with activities in a Scout Group such as Group excursions, food preparation and offering their unique talents and skills for a Group theme night
  • Doing research on Grants
  • Supporting with Group communications
  • Putting your skills to good use!

Importantly, our Leaders are parents too and we are always looking for new leaders. We strongly encourage (and at times we may require) parents to assist at Cub or Scout meetings as Parent Helpers.

This is a great way for parents to get to know how Cubs and Scouts operate, to see first-hand how much the kids enjoy it and the great contribution that leaders make.

While scouting values are timeless and are the foundation of our international organisation, the scouting movement remains relevant to the needs of young people and is enjoying huge popularity.

Parent Committee

Chaired by the Group Leader, the Parent Committee helps First Gordon operate and grow.

Roles include:

  • Fund Raising
  • Website & Media
  • Hall Maintenance
  • Quartermaster